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Ancient Ayurveda


Would you believe it if I told you that India had physicians and surgeons thousands of years ago? And that an Indian is called the “Father of Surgery”? Unbelievable isn’t it?😲

The sages of ancient India gave us a miracle which is known as “Ayurveda” almost 5000 years ago. Indians today can only imagine their level of intelligence and knowledge.🙃

The two miracle makers were “Charaka” and “Sushruta”.

Charaka was as we call today a physician and Shushruta a surgeon. They researched all parts of plants (roots, leaves, stems, bark, flowers)🌺🌴🌿 experimented with their properties and noted down which ones were medicinal. Also, how much of a part should be used in what kinds of an illness and in how much quantity.

Prevention is better than cure is the core of Ayurveda. 👍 Ayurveda has specified the how, when and how much when it comes to a person’s diet. Though none of the above is strictly followed in today's lifestyle, it does help if we know the gist of it. The slightest imbalance in any of the three Doshas of Ayurveda (Kapha, Pitta, Vaat) causes minor illnesses or disease (dis-ease). Therefore this age-old science recommends diet and exercise too!!

Weird isn’t it? Or maybe not!

However, like every science, this one has its limitations too. Unfortunately, it seems that ancient channels of propaganda and publicity too didn’t publicize the truth.

Ayurveda didn’t get the publicity it deserved after India was under foreign invasions. After British Raj, a lot of research was done on English medicine but Ayurveda did not get the proper recognition or patronage. So this scripture did not make much progress.

But here’s the thing guys, it’s the internet era now ! 💻 And the onus is upon us, everyone who proudly calls themselves Indian 🇮🇳 We all need to respect and cherish this heritage of ours as it’s the science that offers every one of us a “Comprehensive Wellness”.

So? Will you join us to be a part of it?😊

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